What goes over the fields all day,and sits in the cu

猜谜语网站给谜粉们分享英语谜语,这个谜语的问题是:What goes over the fields all day,and sits in the cu,本文将为您揭晓What goes over the fields all day,and sits in the cu谜语的答案,快来看一看吧!

www.xsjjsx.cn 本文要猜的谜语是英语谜语:What goes over the fields all day,and sits in the cu — 大家一起来猜猜看,开动你的脑筋想一想,这个谜语的谜底到底会是啥呢?

好了,谜语大全要给大家揭晓What goes over the fields all day,and sits in the cu的谜底了。

What goes over the fields all day,and sits in the cupboard all night?Our clothes.


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