「汉广」全文/注释/译文/赏析 - 佚名的诗句大全













A Woodcutter's Love

The tallest Southern tree

Affords no shade for me.

The maiden on the stream

Can but be found in dream.

For me the stream's too wide

To reach the other side

As River Han's too long

To cross its current strong.

Of the trees in the wood

I'll only cut the good.

If she should marry me,

Her stable-man I'd be.

For me the stream's too wide

To reach the other side

As River Han's too long

To cross its current strong.

Of the trees here and there

I'll only cut the fair

If she should marry me,

Her stable-boy I'd be.

For me the stream's too wide

To reach the other side

As River Han's too long

To cross its current strong.

*The legend said that there was a Goddes on the River Han,Here the woodcutter compared the maiden he love to a inaccessible Goddess.


Na You Qiao Mu ,Bu Ke Xiu Sai 。Han You You Nv ,Bu Ke Qiu Sai 。Han Zhi An Yi ,Bu Ke Yong Sai 。Jiang Zhi Yong Yi ,Bu Ke Fang Sai 。

Na Shan Qiao Mu Da You Gao ,Shu Xia Bu Ke Xie Yin Liang 。Han Jiang Zhi Shang You You Nv ,Xiang Qu Zhui Qiu Bu Ke Neng 。Han Jiang Tao Tao Kuan You An ,Xiang Yao Du Guo Bu Ke Neng 。Jiang Shui You You Chang You Chang ,Cheng Fa Du Guo Bu Ke Neng 。

Qiao Qiao Cuo Xin ,Yan Yi Ji Chu 。Zhi Zi Yu Gui ,Yan Mo Ji Ma 。Han Zhi An Yi ,Bu Ke Yong Sai 。Jiang Zhi Yong Yi ,Bu Ke Fang Sai 。

Chai Cao Cong Cong Cuo Za Sheng ,Yong Dao Ge Qu Na Jing Tiao 。Gu Niang Jiu Yao Chu Jia Le ,Gan Kuai Wei Bao Ta De Ma 。Han Jiang Tao Tao Kuan You An ,Xiang Yao Du Guo Bu Ke Neng 。Jiang Shui You You Chang You Chang ,Cheng Fa Du Guo Bu Ke Neng 。

Qiao Qiao Cuo Xin ,Yan Yi Ji Lou 。Zhi Zi Yu Gui 。Yan Mo Ji Ju 。Han Zhi An Yi ,Bu Ke Yong Sai 。Jiang Zhi Yong Yi ,Bu Ke Fang Sai 。

Chai Cao Cong Cong Cuo Za Sheng ,Yong Dao Ge Qu Na Lou Hao 。Gu Niang Jiu Yao Chu Jia Le ,Gan Kuai Wei Bao Xiao Ma Ju 。Han Jiang Tao Tao Kuan You An ,Xiang Yao Du Guo Bu Ke Neng 。Jiang Shui You You Chang You Chang ,Cheng Fa Du Guo Bu Ke Neng 。


《国风·周南·汉广》是先秦时代的民歌。这首诗是男子追求女子而不能得的情歌。抒情主人公是位青年樵夫。他钟情一位美丽的姑娘,却始终难遂心愿,情思缠绕,无以解脱,面对浩渺的江水,他唱出了这首动人的诗歌,倾吐了满怀惆怅的愁绪。全诗三章的起兴之句,传神地暗示了作为抒情主人公的青年樵夫,伐木刈薪的劳动过程。从结构形式上分析,《汉广》全篇三章,前一章独立,后二章叠咏,同《诗经》中其他重章叠句的民歌,似无差异。但从艺术意境看,三章层层相联,自有其诗意的内在逻辑。可析而为二。首先,全诗三章的起兴之句,传神地暗示了作为抒情主人公的青年樵夫,伐木刈薪... 古诗文网>>


